Thursday, November 3, 2011

A Quick Guide to Linksys Wireless Router Setup

A Quick Guide to Linksys Wireless Router Setup

Linksys wireless router setup isn't as difficult as you might think. If you've never Plugged a wireless router in before, if you don't know the difference between ethernet and cable, don't worry, setting up a wireless router is as easy as Plugging a DVD player into the TV.

You don't need to switch internet providers, you don't need to pay extra fees, just get ahold of a wireless router and the rest is easy.

The first thing you need to do for Linksys wireless router setup is simply plug the router into your broadband internet connection. That's it. No special equipMent required. Just plug the router into your internet.

You may have issues with connectivity if you're still using an older Computer. Any macs, PCs, notebooks or laptops created in the last few years should have built in wireless capabilities, but older Computers might not be built for wireless connectivity.

Luckily, this is easily adDressed with a wireless network adapter. These are cheap little devices that you can just plug into your Computer. You will need one adapter for every older Computer on your router's network, and it's best to use the same brand as your router to ensure compatibility, so for Linksys wireless router setup, get a Linksys adapter, for Netgear setup, get a Netgear adapter and so on.

From there, you should use the software that comes with your router to install the new hardware to allow your computer to identify the router. If the router did not come with any software, or if the software is incompatible with your operating system, try double clicking on your internet browser to see if there's an auto-install option.

If not, you'll want to plug your wired internet in again, and see if you can download the installation software online.

Next you'll want to set your security settings. You'll be prompted to enter your wireless network name, and to select wireless encryption (WEP) or Wi-Fi protected access (WPA) to protect your network. You'll then want to create an administrative password and save your settings.

Windows based computers tend to be the most compatible and easiest to attach to a wireless router, but any computer with internet capabilities should be compatible if you get ahold of the installation software.

And that about does it. It really is as simple as that. Everybody is switching to wireless internet today, so it really is arranged to be sort of "Plug and Play". Plug it in, install it, set your security settings, and that should do it.

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