Tuesday, October 25, 2011

How to Connect Wirelessly to Xbox Live Using a Modified Router

How to Connect Wirelessly to Xbox Live Using a Modified Router

There are a few options available to connect wirelessly to Xbox Live:

1) laptop and Ethernet cable (a good choice, you have a laptop)
2) Gaming Router can (as expensive as the adapter Journal)
3) Official adpator (its ok, but too expensive and some can even configure the router)

However, there is another possibility, a wireless connection, the relatively unknown, it is more. This includes 'conversion' of third Party software (such as DD-WRT)a router in an unused wireless receiver. This software depends on the router model, however, means that not all routers are supported. And how this software to edit your router? Well, basically the firmware that replaces the original firmware of the router administrative flash. This gives you the opportunity to change the router into a wireless receiver in a software router's administration. Then you mustConnect an Ethernet cable to the wireless receiver now being impleMented.

What are the advanTAGes of such a society? First, even if you have a spare router you can purchse a model fully compatible old at an affordable price. Secondly, routers converted receiver range far superior to the official Xbox 360 wireless adapter. Is there a better solution than the original adapter, both financially and in terms ofperformance. However, it will require more a little more dedication in order to get everything functioning.

If you want more information and a step by step guide on how to modify your router to connect wirelessly to Xbox live then click here: How to connect wirelessly to Xbox live using a modified router.

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